Adult Christian Education (ACE)
This class is taught at 9:45 A.M. by Victoria Hall every Sunday morning in the main sanctuary. The class acronym “ACE” not only represents the first letters of each word in the title of the class, but also represents a fighter pilot accredited with destroying several enemy aircraft. It also represents a highly skilled person. One resorts to an “ACE”, when an experienced helper is needed, because an “ACE” is well seasoned to carry out the job. In Christ, no matter the age, there is always room for growth and improvement as one strives to become an “ACE.” This class studies and makes application of each lesson taught to inspire and model, the life of CHRIST in one’s daily walk. The goal of “ACE” is to build one’s faith in the LORD, in HIS Word, and in HIS Spirit. With the help of GOD’s Spirit working in our lives, we become GOD’s “ACE” to provide help, support, and encouragement, to others.
Alternate Teachers: Sis. Ramona Jones & Sis. Amanda Carlton