Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24

To GOD be the Glory
Thank you to everyone who made the Marriage Workshop a huge success. Five couples took part in the workshop that consisted on video clips, discussions, exercises and activities to promote healthy growth and continued enrichment within the marriage. In addition, couples also received a marriage survival kit to help them reflect on positive elements that will help them overcome obstacles they may deal with in their marriage. It was a great time for all.
GOD created the wonderful unity we know as marriage between a man and a woman. Throughout history this union has been the foundation and nucleus of every civilization. Marriage though, is not always easy and today in a culture where individuality and independence define an individual, the union of a man and a woman can present with difficulties. In addition, many people entering into marriage today have dealt with the pains of past relationships or have dealt with the anguish of a failed marriage. Many times people seek to move forward and seek to enter into a new relationship, but apprehensions create by past experiences have the potential to adversely effect the relationship. Sometimes those barriers don’t manifest until two have said their vows and are in marriage. We’re there to tell you, “It’s not to late”.
We provide premarital and marital faith based counseling using the Prepare and Enrich Model. We’re there to help.
If interested contact Michael Curry for an appointment.